Understanding Bruxism: What You Need to Know

Bruxism is a common condition that affects many people without them realizing it. It involves the clenching or grinding of teeth, either during the day or while sleeping. Green Dentistry can help diagnose and treat bruxism, which may range from mild cases without noticeable signs to more severe symptoms that interfere with daily activities such…

Restore Your Smile with Pinhole Gum Surgery at Green Dentistry in San Francisco

Are receding gums causing you concern about your oral health and smile appearance? You’re not alone. Receding gums are a common issue affecting nearly half of the population, often linked to gum disease. However, fear of traditional surgical treatments may prevent many from seeking the care they need. But fear not – at Green Dentistry…

Unveiling Your Health Secrets with Oral Microbiome Testing

At Green Dentistry in San Francisco, our commitment to your well-being extends far beyond your oral health. We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge that can positively impact their overall health. That’s why we’re excited to offer Oral Microbiome Testing, a groundbreaking tool that provides invaluable insights into your health. Understanding Oral Microbiome Testing…

Exploring the Benefits of Ozone Dental Treatment

Traditionally, dental interventions have often been associated with discomfort and invasive procedures. However, a revolution is underway in the world of dentistry, introducing ozone therapy as a minimally invasive alternative with accelerated healing benefits. In this guide, we’ll delve into the realm of ozone dental treatments, focusing on patient benefits and demystifying this cutting-edge approach.…