In this video, Dr. Nammy explains how oral issues can disrupt your sleep. Then, she talks about how a lack of sleep can lead to ADHD.
How ADHD Is Related to Your Mouth (Video)
Hi, this is Dr. Nammy, and I’m delighted to share with you a little bit about how ADHD can be related to your mouth. Can you believe that? Can you believe that ADHD can actually be caused by braces or it can be caused by not being breastfed, and that has everything to do with your mouth? Pretty interesting stuff, I have to say.
ADHD and Tongue Development
And today I want to share with you with what occurs with ADHD. What we found, or science has found, that people who have undergone braces or were not breastfed as a child for up to two years. What has happened is that the tongue did not develop properly. So if somebody is being breastfed, their muscles are working really hard, the tongue muscle is working really hard, so the sinus cavity develops really properly. And the sinus is really important because right on top of that is your nose, and you need that for breathing.
Lack of Sleep Affects ADHD
So with ADHD patients, we’re finding that you’re not getting good sleep. What happens is you’re not getting the dream state of sleep. So dream is when your body is in … It’s completely paralyzed, you are just dreaming, and that’s when your body fixes itself. And that’s also the time where your brain detoxes. It gets rid of all the toxins that are in your brain, just like you have inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide.
The same thing happens in the brain. The oxygen goes in, the carbon dioxide goes out, all the cells are working, and the byproducts need to come out. And so when you are sleeping, your body needs time to rest. And what happens is people with ADHD, the brain does not sleep. The reason it’s not sleeping is usually it’s not getting enough air. And what’s happening is that the air or the oxygen, your body is designed to keep you alive.
And if you are not breathing, your brain cannot sleep. It has to fire, fire, fire and make sure that it wakes you up so that you can breathe again. And if you’re not getting that sleep, that’s what your body’s actually going through. And the reason why you’re feeling like there’s lack of focus is because you didn’t get enough rest. And even if you did, a lot of times I have patients say, “Oh my God, I slept 10 hours and I still don’t feel good.” It’s because you didn’t get good sleep. And when you didn’t get good sleep, your brain didn’t get a chance to relax. When your brain didn’t get a chance to relax, that’s when you have difficulty focusing, and you have trouble sometimes comprehending, sometimes communicating, sometimes being really irritable. Those are all signs of irregular sleep and ADHD.
So I would recommend that, come on in, let’s take a look and see if this is you, and let’s get to the root cause of the problem and we can resolve it. And we can do it in a non-surgical, most natural, and healthy way. This is Dr. Nammy.