Is Mouthwash Good Or Bad For Your Oral Health?
Are you prone to dental decay and find that no matter how well you clean your teeth, problems still creep up when you visit our office for your hygiene examination and cleaning? For years, you have learned about brushing your teeth thoroughly for two minutes, twice daily and using dental floss a minimum of once per day to help remove lingering bacteria from between teeth. Many patients also use mouthwash as the final part of their oral hygiene routine or if they cannot brush between meals and need a minty refresher. Dr. Patel was recently highlighted in a Well+Good article discussing how mouthwash may actually be causing your oral health more harm than good. Continue reading to learn more and for the link to this interesting article.
Is Mouthwash Harming Your Oral Health?
We know that many of our patients reach for mouthwash when they are not able to brush and floss after eating or even as a way to complete their oral hygiene routine. You might be surprised to learn that your mouthwash may be doing more harm than good for your oral health. There are two forms of mouthwash available — cosmetic, which helps your breath smell good, and therapeutic, which helps eliminate bad bacteria from the mouth. Cosmetic mouthwash really offers no benefit to your oral health. However, the problem ingredient in both choices is alcohol.
Alcohol in mouthwash can cause harmful conditions such as dry mouth and removes bacteria that your mouth needs. As Dr. Patel mentions in the article, “Aside from burning sensations, the alcohol in mouthwash completely destroys almost all the bacteria in your mouth. Both good and bad.”
What Mouthwash is Safe?
It is best to avoid any mouthwash that lists alcohol as an ingredient. Dr. Patel also recommends avoiding chlorhexidine gluconate and methyl salicylate as well. Be sure to look for mouthwash with gingivitis or anticavity treatments such as fluoride.
If you are interested in reading the entire Well+Good article, it can be found here:
If you have any further questions about what mouthwash we recommend, how to properly clean your teeth, or you are in need of a hygiene examination and cleaning, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office located in San Francisco to schedule an appointment. We are happy to help!