Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a common but serious dental problem that can cause a myriad of complications if not adequately treated.
This occurs when harmful bacteria build up underneath the gum line, where it’s hard to reach. The bacteria multiply, creating pockets of infection at the base of each tooth. Typically, dentists would recommend regular deep cleanings and encourage good brushing and flossing habits at home.
However, frequent deep cleanings can be costly, time-consuming, and uncomfortable. They’re an important part of maintaining overall gum health, but now, a new treatment exists to help eradicate gum disease at home and lessen the number of deep cleanings you’ll need. Perio Protect makes treating periodontal disease simpler than ever before for both patients and their dentists.
Gum Disease 101
Gum disease is an infection of the soft tissue underneath the gum line where the roots of the teeth are anchored into the jawbone. When left untreated, gum disease can advance to periodontal disease, which can result in tooth loss and systemic health problems like heart disease and acid reflux.
What Is Perio Protect?
Perio Protect is a new, innovative, and non-invasive way to help treat gum disease at home. When combined with regular dental cleanings as recommended by your dentist, Perio Protect can help you fight periodontal disease and the serious negative effects it can have on your health.
How Does Perio Protect Fight Periodontal Disease?
Perio Protect is a two-part system that consists of a medicated hydrogen peroxide gel and a custom-fitted dental tray. The medicine is applied to the dental tray and the tray is placed onto the upper or lower dental arch, much like an over-the-counter teeth whitening system.
What makes Perio Protect unique is the design of the tray. The tray is shaped so that it seals the gel down onto the teeth and gums without allowing it to leak outside the tray and into the mouth. The shape of the tray pushes the gel deep into the pockets of your gums where bacteria colonize.
These areas cannot be reached by brushing or flossing and in the past, were usually only treatable with a deep cleaning performed by a dental professional.
How to Use Perio Protect
At Green Dentistry, Dr. Namrata Patel will discuss with you how you should use Perio Protect based on your own individual oral health. You’ll be shown how to place the specially formulated hydrogen peroxide gel into the Perio Tray and how to insert it into your mouth for a tight fit.
Dr. Nammy will recommend the number of times you should wear the tray per day and for how long. Depending on the severity of your gum infection, you may start out wearing the tray multiple times a day. As your gums heal, you’ll reduce the number of times you use the tray until eventually, you’re using it once a day for maintenance as directed by your dentist.
Take Good Care of Your Health at Green Dentistry
Your dental health and overall systemic health are closely interconnected. At Green Dentistry, we care about both. We offer a variety of minimally invasive, innovative treatments for oral health conditions like gum disease, dental abscesses, tooth and bone loss, and more.
Contact us today for an appointment to discuss your periodontal treatment options at (415) 433-0119.