In this video, Dr. Nammy explains what remineralization is and how it works. Learn about this natural approach to treating cavities with your body's natural ability to heal itself.
Remineralization of Your Teeth (Video)
Hi, this is Dr. Nammy, and I am delighted to share with you about remineralization of teeth. Now we can actually help prevent cavities and help make more enamel, which is the outer layer of your teeth, and it is so delightful to be able to do that. And I want to share with you about remineralization.
What Is Remineralization?
So what remineralization means is that our teeth are always mineralizing and demineralizing. So what would cause it to demineralize would be if you had lemon water, if you ate. Anything that’s acidic, is going to cause the enamel crystal to start dissolving. And so when it dissolves too much, that’s when you get a cavity, and that’s no fun. So now what we have found is that when you get the beginning stages of cavity, we can actually reverse them, which is wonderful. And there is a great product called Curodont, and it is a peptide.
How Peptides Make Enamel
So what the peptide does is it tells your teeth to make more enamel matrix. So what’s so wonderful is that this peptide is naturally made when you’re younger. And this peptide, what it’ll do is it’ll say, “Hey body, hey body, will you please make more enamel?” And it’s a signaler or signals the body to start making enamel. So it is a wonderful, wonderful product. I’ve been able to utilize it for a long period of time now, and it is a great way to prevent cavities, and it’s a great way to avoid disease and dysfunction.
And it is just so wonderful to be able to use our own bodies to heal ourselves.