The reason I chose Green Dentistry as our business name is because when I got out of dental school, I wanted to do something that was really meaningful. I didn’t want to be a dentist down the road that didn’t care, that didn’t have a vision, didn’t have a mission. So one of the things that I saw is there was a lot of waste in the community, especially in medical and dental. So I worked with a nonprofit called Teleosis, which actually talked about greening, actually worked on greening the healthcare industry, hence the name Green Dentistry.
But beyond that, there’s a lot more things that are very unique to our practice that you will not find anywhere else. We really look at how we can help our patients in the best way possible. The way we do that is by being really honest about the care, providing solid services, and guaranteeing our work because it’s all about lifelong health. We look at the holistic aspect of the body, not just teeth. There are so many times where I’m finding patients with adrenal dysfunction, oral cancer, diabetes, hypertension. We take our patient’s blood pressures to see how they’re doing on a regular basis.
We ask them what’s important for them. We modify, and also I’m constantly trying to make an effort to meet our patient’s needs. That is my number one most important thing, is what can I do to serve my patient? If it’s a simple thing like a filling, great. If it’s a smile makeover, sure, that’s fine too. Or sometimes it’s just, “Hey, I’m having a bad day. Can you listen to me?” And that’s okay too.
We want you to live a longer, joyful, rich, full life, and smile more often, or smile loudly, smile beautifully. Smile and just enjoy yourself. You’ve only got one life. Live it well. Enjoy it.