What May Be Causing Your Jaw Discomfort
At Green Dentistry, we want patients to live their best lives. If you are constantly in a state of discomfort, suffer from regular headaches, experience tension or clicking in your jaw, you are not living your best life. In fact, you may be suffering from a common condition known as temporomandibular joint disorder, also referred to as TMD. TMD is any pain or discomfort in the temporomandibular joint, which connects the jawbone to the skull, or the surrounding muscles. Patients who remain untreated live in a constant state of discomfort, are not able to fully open their jaws, and have to limit their diets. Dr. Patel is not only able to diagnose TMD, she is also able to offer life changing treatments.
What Causes TMD?
Like many medical and dental conditions, there can be a number of reasons and factors that lead to the development of TMD, and each person’s experience is different. Over 10 million Americans suffer from this condition, so you are definitely not alone. TMD can be caused by issues such as:
- Misaligned bite
- Clenching and grinding the teeth
- Weak facial muscles
- Physical damage to your facial bones
- Stress
- Poor posture
- Arthritis or nerve damage
During Your Visit
When you visit our office for an appointment, Dr. Patel will perform a gentle examination of your jaw and bite. A 3D X-ray will be taken to further explain what could be happening with your mouth and jaw. Dr. Patel will discuss what could be causing your discomfort and will discuss her recommendations for a treatment option.
TMD Treatment
We offer a number of different treatment options depending on your needs. Dr. Patel may recommend:
- Night guard
- Invisalign®
- Occlusal Equilibration
- Physical Therapist Referral
- Home Therapy Exercises
If TMD conditions are not treated, the symptoms could increase and become more severe over time. If you live in or around the San Francisco, CA area and are interested in learning more about TMD or feel you may be experiencing symptoms, please contact our office today. We look forward to seeing you soon.