Dr. Nammy Patel talks about natural preventions for cavities and gum disease, including proper flossing and brushing, hydration, and mouth tape.
Natural Preventions for Cavities and Gum Disease (Video)
Hello, friends. Today I want to be able to talk to you about some things you can do naturally to prevent cavities and gum disease. Those are some basic questions that we speak about on a regular basis and are most important to the majority of the people who are watching these videos.
Number one, always floss and brush your teeth. Use an electric toothbrush, super key because you’re going to be using … With an electric toothbrush, you’re brushing about 50,000 pulsations per minute and you’re getting a real good clean. So, super important to do that to help prevent cavities and gum disease.
Now you’re like, “what else can I do”? Well, number one, hydrate, making sure that you are having enough water throughout the day so your mouth does not become dry, because if it becomes dry, you’re going to get a lot of bad bugs to overgrow, that cause gum disease and also cavities.
Now the second thing you can do is mouth tape when you sleep at night. Now, when you mouth tape at night, what it does, it also stops you from breathing through your mouth and snoring, which also creates a dry environment. So that it’s a second thing you want to consider when you’re trying to prevent cavities and gum disease.
Now the third is going to be making sure that you’re not having acidic foods. So for example, like Cola is something that we don’t want. Coca-Cola, or even a lot of fruit juices or even Red Bull. That stuff has … It is so acidic for your teeth that it causes so many cavities. So I want to make sure you are paying attention to these things.
Now if you have any additional questions, please feel free to shoot us an email and give us a call. We’re more than happy to help.
Now, most important takeaways is going to be in order to prevent cavities, gum disease, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, make sure the mouth is not dry, whether you’re awake during the day or sleeping during the night. Second is avoiding sodas and acidic foods, and third is always making sure you’re flossing and using an electric toothbrush. Okay, have a fantastic day.