Dr. Nammy Patel talks about natural remedies for gum disease including flossing, toothpaste, and water piks.
Natural Remedies for Gum Disease (Video)
Hello friends. Today I want to share with you some natural remedies for gum disease. And I wanted to share these because it’s super important. We’re always concerned about gum disease and what we can do at home. So the first thing that I want to recommend is making sure that you are flossing or getting a Waterpic. You can grab a Waterpic at Costco or on Amazon, and what you can do is put a little bit of peroxide, like about this much, like a drop or so in your water pick and squirt that in between the teeth and it will help get rid of bacteria. So that’s number one.
Second is always use an electric toothbrush. Making sure you’re using an electric toothbrush, remove the bacteria around your teeth and your gums, and you can do so by using a toothpaste by BOKA, which had a hydroxyapatite in it, which helps re-mineralize a natural tooth structure, makes your teeth resistant to cavities and also helps get rid of bad bugs. So those would be some recommendations that you can do at home.
Now you can also do the famous oil pulling, which is fantastic. So you can take coconut oil or sesame oil, swish it around your mouth for about 20 minutes. And what that does, it pulls the toxins out of your teeth and gums and also your body. So that is something that’s very helpful. I hope you found these tips very interesting. And let us know if you need anything else.