Dr. Nammy Patel explains who is a good candidate for smile design. She talks about the reasons people decide to pursue this type of cosmetic dentistry.
Dr. Nammy Patel: A person who is a good candidate for smile design is somebody who is not happy with the way their smile is. Whether it’s the shape of the teeth, whether it’s the color of the teeth, or it’s the size of the teeth, or if the teeth are crooked, or if there is a facial profile that’s changing, or if there’s saggy tissue in a couple of different areas because there’s a missing tooth, those are all reasons for a smile design.
What we want to do during this process is make sure you are happy with your smile. Your smile is what expresses who you are. It is a way we have our self-esteem. Having a beautiful smile makes us feel really good about ourselves. Having a beautiful smile allows us to be able to chew properly as well. Having a beautiful smile allows us to express love in the world. I call it the love language. We kiss people with it. We actually enjoy the food we share. Having a beautiful smile is also really necessary for that. Most importantly, having teeth and a beautiful smile is really important for your microbiome and for your overall health.